Broad Shoulders
toasted nori
baby bok choy
following a fresh clash
evacuation hood
terrorists in Carhart
promise me, dad
that you denounce
those work boots
on Madame Speaker’s desk—tell me
Eugene Williams stoned, drowned
to death at 29th Street Beach
but all I ever knew was the Mrs. O’Leary song
round things—
woolen dryer balls—
& gravity
hiss pop iron skillet garbanzos
mi wi-fi es tu wi-fi
knowing now as we do
the habits of wild birds
it’s not exactly
whatever lies
under this bluff
Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah in Hobby Lobby—
where are we going with this
migration of passwords
last of paper things
how does the crow find bread in the yard
broth of bones
Anne Marie Holwerda Warner is a Chicago carpenter's daughter perched in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Her poetry has been published in Last Stanza Poetry Journal, Indefinite Space, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Global Poemic, Harbinger Asylum, Impossible Task, Moonchild, Ghost City Review, Q/A Poetry, Earth & Altar and The Hour.