Downtown Office as Abscess
This was a Tuesday afternoon
Visit to the new office,
tracing a
soft path
thru a
of absence:
sprawling twelfth floor
prime Manhattan real estate,
drywall panels with
edges that slice thru
glass cash and plaster,
a grand vacated
ritual geometry
whose hex
protects it from
any incursion:
moisture, pollen,
grace, reference —
This space is a
dead unfixed
future memory of the
limp handshake,
rot in the fridge,
the day
the last of us
says goodbye,
a sterile volume
crudely extracted
from memory,
a sharp-framed
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Jesse Miksic is a graphic designer and writer living in Peekskill, New York. He spends his life writing poetry, nursing unfinished projects, and having adventures with his wonderful wife and daughter. Recent placements include Whale Road Review, Leveler Poetry, Queen Mob's Teahouse, and others.