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Perpetual Pale Ass


Don’t let “Iannucci” fool you / I was the only one / with an English mother / out of the lot /

See? /---“out of the lot”--- / Who fucking says that / in a 1985 Italian-American / IROC racing,

Aquanet toxic / Long Island / ? / I was the glow stick / basking on Jones Beach / laughing

/ at the Frozen Fruit guy / “Frozen Fruit bars! Snickers! Milky Way! Chipwich!” / poor guy /

combing the shoreline for a wave / with a heavy Styrofoam chest / until I looked at my chest /

& stopped laughing / perpetual pale ass / a zinc oxide / alabaster embarrassment / sunburn

blisters on one shoulder / bordered by Bain de Soleil / second generation Neapolitan sisters

/ bilingual / talking turbo Italian / fast / too fast / for my half Brum bum / I just knew

curse words / thanks to dad / broken English / so mangled / he sounded smashed / he’d say

“hoppy East” when it was Easter / & / "hoppy Torky’s Give” when it was Thanksgiving / Jesus

Christ / or Gesu Cristo / ? / I’m all fucked / daughter of two immigrants / mum has a green card /

& / padre / a soldier citizen / Vietnam vet / Cam Ranh Bay / Yeah / We gotta get out of this place

/ Wait until the war is over & we’re both a little older, the unknown Soldier / Yeah / all in all we’re just

a-nother brick / in  / their / border wall.




*Italic lines are lyrics taken from The Animals, The Doors, and Pink Floyd.

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"Dreaming" - Fabrice Poussin

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Nancy Byrne Iannucci is a historian from Troy, NY. Her poems can be found in a number of publications including Riggwelter, The Mantle, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Typehouse Literary Magazine, Gargoyle, Hobo Camp Review, and Ghost City Review. Her first book of poetry, Temptation of Wood, was recently published by Nixes Mate Review.


Fabrice Poussin teaches French and English at Shorter University. Author of novels and poetry, his work has appeared in Kestrel, Symposium, The Chimes, and many other magazines. His photography has been published in The Front Porch Review, the San Pedro River Review as well as other publications. 

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