Necessary lamentations with a maker
old books say man takes after father
my floppy ears corroborate axiom
your phone voice evokes porous elegy
hard to drink or eat away I float on canopy
thin film of rage on withering leaves
touching lips in prayer head in supplication
my body hurt from skirmishes with ghosts
imbibing bruises like breath nursing till they become air
I pine for density in silence
to compensate the things you never said
the damn beauty of unspokenness I accepted as God
all my life you voiced from world beneath
a word or two my eyes flung at rippling pool
became reflection’s sentience your spitting image shook
I’m guilty of wanting me to look less like you
I’m guilty of reconstructing pasts for education
the want to begin again
is delighting in life’s promise
so I’ll stay adamant son for hunger’s sake
remember the wind chime a tickling so divine
muted porch us sitting on jute-roped summer cot
passage of evening breeze widening jaws to smile
reminding us to laugh briefly exhale

Sugar Magnolia - Rachel Misenar

Satya Dash's poems have been published or are forthcoming in Wildness, Passages North, Cosmonauts Avenue, The Florida Review, Lunch Ticket, UCity Review, December amongst others. Apart from having a degree in electronics from BITS Pilani-Goa, he has been a cricket commentator too. His work has been twice nominated for the Orison Anthology. He spent his early years in Odisha and now lives in Bangalore, India. He tweets at : @satya043